Harmonized MRI

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Vendor-agnostic, portable MRI protocols

Welcome to the Harmonized MRI project, where we create open, vendor-independent MRI pulse sequences for functional imaging and other applications. Our vision is to create portable and fully transparent protocols for more reproducible MRI across space (sites) and time.

The underlying acquisition technology is based on the Pulseq MR pulse sequence file format that makes it possible to execute the same MR pulse sequence across multiple vendors (at present, Siemens and GE are supported):


The code for this project is hosted on Github at https://github.com/HarmonizedMRI.

Funding is provided through an NIH U24 grant for dissemination of portable fMRI sequences, and an NIH R01 grant to develop harmonized neuroimaging sequences for diffusion imaging and quantitative relaxation parameter mapping.

Functional MRI protocol: Now recruiting early adopters

If you’re interested in evaluating our fMRI protocols at your imaging center, please send us an email at:
contact email

See also the following Youtube talk: